Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Dispatch Japanese investigators to US? .... some anonymous opinions on Julie's career outlook

 トヨタ自動車のアメリカ国籍の常務役員が麻薬を密輸したとして逮捕された事件で、常務役員が「知人から送ってもらった」と供述していることが新たに分かりました。... これまでの調べで、小包は外国人名の個人名義でアメリカのミシガン州から発送され、ケンタッキー州を経由して日本に密輸されたことが分かっていて、警視庁は発送元や使用の目的について調べるため、アメリカに捜査員を派遣することも検討しています。(24日11:09)
The Toyota Managing Officer suspected of smuggling drugs is reported to have testified that "'I had it sent to me by an acquaintance.'" 
"In the investigation so far, Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department has found that the parcel was shipped by an individual in Michigan via Kentucky to Japan. The police department is considering dispatching investigators to the US for the purpose of determining the shipping origin and use."

Although Akio Toyoda expressed his belief that that there was no intent to violate the law, PR professionals have pointed out that even if suspect Hamp did not break the law, she will be problematic as the PR chief of a global company.