A battering ram
Parris, you are so quotable!
"As admitted-crook Toyota bullies whistleblower Betsy Benjaminson - using the single mother of four as a battering ram against free speech - nobody should be fooled by the well-orchestrated antics of the auto industry....."
But this sub-plot is not over, because I have a chance to move the court to force Toyota to get more real about what it is actually entitled to discover. And I am getting ready to do that now.
I will present a kind of "kitchen sink" of my own, but this kitchen sink will not be source code design, it will encompass descriptions of a broad-ranging effort to hoodwink more than a few people.
Meanwhile, we are moving today again,....as war-displaced people...this time to Jerusalem, to wait and see if the war actually ends, or whether the current ceasefire with Hamas will break down as a few have already.