Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Speech at Israel Society for Quality conference

The nuts and bolts of truly serving the customer.

Today I gave a very short, rather off-the-cuff speech at the "Recall" session at the 20th International Conference of the Israel Society for Quality. This year's conference theme was "Creating Customer Centric Culture." The conference program was full of the most amazing speakers, and I was honored to play even the smallest role among them.

My topic was Auto Recall DISASTER. The point was to scare the audience into making thorough plans for recalls, and in particular to motivate them to implement the ISO 10393 recalls standard.

Here's the slide deck. Time was too short, but I did what I could. None of this information is exhaustive, of course, and none derives from other than public information sources.

After my talk, at the luncheon, I happened to meet an executive of a quality organization whose members are major global corporations. She had just spoken. I asked her if Takata was a member of her organization, and she said yes. Pitiful. What were they doing?

She said that Toyota is not a member.

slide deck